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Document Review/Analysis

Reviewing documents is easy and boring. Anyone can do it and can do it without much effort or thought. Or so they say. 


You can view it that way, but oftentimes you're going to lose because you missed something entirely or you missed the best way to utilize a document. Whether it is for a deposition, a trial or an appeal, many lawyers fail to take full advantage of the documents in the case. Especially when the cases are complex class actions or financial related.


I have been in lots of large cases, both civil and criminal, and had to review thousands, and even millions, of pages of documents. This can be financial records, bank transactions, phone records, corporate documents, transcripts, etc. Are you going to find the one thing that changes the case? A lot of times lawyers don't do that. Iit can change your case if done correctly. In one case, I reviewed over twenty boxes of documents to find one single copy of an email that caused the opposing side to settle the case immediately. In another, I was able to trace money through six bank accounts to figure out where a contribution had gone, and to determine that the person had just stolen in it. In another, I reviewed thousands of pages of telephone records to be able to identify that someone could not have been where he claimed to be on a certain date.  


Documents are often the key. While they may seem mundane in many cases, there is almost always something that is important and decisive. 

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